PG电子官方免费下载水务技术公司Aqua Robur开发了无线通信设备,使水务公司能够以适合他们需要的方式监控他们的供水网络. 该公司的设备可以以三种不同的方式供电,以适应供水网络中每个位置的条件. One of these is the award winning and patented turbine, 怎样才能以最小的压降将水管中的一小部分能量有效地转化为电能. This enables water utilities to measure and detect water leakage where it’s most needed, not just where there is access to electricity. 当更适合应用时,通信设备也可以使用230VAC或电池供电.

Aqua Robur started off in the Nordic markets working with municipal water utilities, but now they have taken their solution globally. In most countries, 20-25% of fresh water produced is lost through leakages in the public water network, 由于无法有效监控管道,全球每年浪费数十亿欧元. Currently, water utilities struggle to solve this problem. 许多公司正在使用其他传感器技术,这些技术需要长电缆或更换电池, which costs time and money.

Business Sweden’s knowledge of the market, the language, 文化和当地习俗是帮助与当地行动者建立关系的重要组成部分. In that way, 我们认为,PG电子官方免费下载商业协会的支持价值远远超过其他类型的市场研究.” Niklas Wicén, CEO, Aqua Robur

为了有效地在全球水务公司网络中获得广泛的客户群, Aqua Robur’s go-to-market strategy is based on partnerships with local distributors. To accelerate the internationalisation process, Aqua Robur joined Business Sweden’s LEAP Accelerator programme. 随后,他们申请了PG电子官方免费下载商业促进会(Business Sweden’s Catalyst Program)的项目,并获得了批准。在该项目中,意大利被认定为最具吸引力的目标市场之一. Italy was identified as it has one of the highest leakage rates in Europe, 同时,作为世界上一些最先进的水务公司的所在地,对减少泄漏和饮用水质量控制有着严格的要求.

Aqua Robur’s CEO Niklas Wicén explains:

“We are utilising a multi-distributor strategy for the Italian market. 我们不能低估任何经销商要在整个意大利半岛拥有足够的市场份额所面临的困难. Italy may not appear big on a map, but it is a country with a large population and major regional differences and customs. 因此,我们认为在这个市场上与多家经销商合作对我们来说是更好的.”

而Aqua Robur的尖端技术已经吸引了国际玩家的兴趣, 挑战仍然存在:如何确定市场上最重要的参与者,并与当地分销商合作. PG电子游戏了解当地市场潜力的能力,以及与市场主要参与者建立信任的能力,是Aqua Robur加速进入市场的基石.

Wicén continues:

“我们知道了解我们正在进入的市场的习俗和语言的重要性,以便与我们想要合作的参与者建立信任. Business Sweden’s knowledge of the market, the language, 文化和当地习俗是帮助与当地行动者建立关系的重要组成部分. In that way, 我们认为,PG电子官方免费下载商业协会的支持价值远远超过其他类型的市场研究.”

PG电子官方免费下载商务协助Aqua Robur筛选市场上的潜在合作伙伴,并与最相关的参与者开展商业对话. 作为客户参与战略的一部分,在意大利会见潜在的合作伙伴和客户, Aqua Robur had a presence at one of Europe’s most important cleantech fairs, Ecomondo, in the Nordic pavilion which was organised by Business Sweden. 在短短一周内,Aqua Robur举行了几次会议,并对当地合作伙伴的概况有了更好的了解,以便决定潜在的合作.

In addition to the Italian market, Aqua Robur看到了他们的技术的巨大潜力,可以帮助当地的水务公司解决欧洲其他地区日益减少的饮用水供应问题, starting with Spain, Greece, Germany and UK.




Market screening and participation in local platforms to engage with potential partners. As Italian water utilities are very regional, it was also important to find several partners to be able to cover the whole market.


加强了当地客户关系和几个正在进行的对话,并即将在意大利进行试点安装. Through long-term collaboration with local partners, Aqua Robur可以大大减少公共供水管道的漏水,增加自来水公司对市民的饮用水供应.